
1) defiant adj.違抗的,蔑視的 The defiant child was punished.
2) originality n.獨創性,獨特性 He was a man of great originality.
3) plain adj.明白的,清楚的 He made it plain that he did not like me.
4) celebrity n.名譽,名流 He was a politician of great celebrity.
5) appetite n.食欲,胃口 He has a good appetite.
6) gymnastic adj.體操的,體育的 They were gymnastic apparatus.
7) precaution n.謹慎,預防 He took the precaution of locking his door when he went out.
8) impeach v.告發,檢舉 He was impeached for robbery.
9) distort v.歪曲,曲解 That newspaper accounts of international affairs are sometimes distorted.
10) cardinal adj.主要的,最重要的 This is a matter of cardinal significance.
11) fathom v.理解,充分了解 I can’t fathom what you really mean.
12) leisure n.空閒,悠閒 I’ll return the call at my leisure.
13) outset n.開始,開端 The outset of any major project can be difficult.
14) sly adj.狡猾的,詭譎的 He was as sly as a fox.
15) prolong v.延長,拖延 The delegation decided to prolong their visit by one week.
16) prominent adj.著名的,傑出的 He was a prominent doctor.
17) amiss adj.錯誤的,不正確的 Nothing is amiss with him.
18) vomit v.嘔吐,作嘔 The child vomited after eating the bad meat.
19) conscientious adj.認真的,盡責的 He was a conscientious worker.
20) drowsy adj.昏昏慾睡的,半睡半醒的 It was a drowsy summer afternoon.
21) glue v.粘牢,膠合 She glued the two pieces of cardboard together.


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